I Could Easily Fall In Love

Tac gia: Cliff Richard
If you should tell me that
I'll always be
The one you'll always love so true
Then I can tell you
I could easily
I could easily fall in love with you
It wasn't long ago
I saw you there
But even then
I thought I knew
That isn't half a chance
I easily
I could easily fall in love with you
I've been too long on my old some now
I've been too long by myself
I couldn't feel my old lone some now
If I was
If I was on the shelf
Don't ever change that smile you're smiling now
And please don't let moon see you blue
Then I can tell you oh so easily
I could easily fall in love with you
I've been too long on my old some now
I've been too long by myself
I couldn't feel my old lone some now
If I was
If I was on the shelf
Don't ever change that smile you're smiling now
And please don't let moon see you blue
Then I can tell you oh so easily
I could easily fall in love with you
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