Tell It To Carrie

Tac gia: Chua Biet
I write to her when I've got a problem
She's always there to help me to side them
She's the one that I trust
I tell it to Carrie
I tell her all my thoughts in the letter with her reply she makes me feel better
She's the one that I trust
I tell it to Carrie
Oh Carrie
I just don't know how to tell you
I feel I'm giving you dependent and II rely on you girl
And I don't know what to do don't know
And I feel so lost without you yeah

Oh Carrie just don't know how to tell you girl
I feel I'm giving you dependent and II rely on you girl
And I don't know what to do
I just don't know
And I feel so lost without you

I don't know what I'd be doing without her
I can't imagine ever knowing about her
She's the one that I trust
I tell it to Carrie
She's the one that I trust
I tell it to Carrie
She's the one that I trust
I tell it to Carrie
She's the one that I trust
I tell it to Carrie
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