The Long And Winding Road

Tac gia: The Beatles
The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear oh well
I've seen the road before
And it always brings me here
Leads me to your door

The long and winding road
That the rain washed away
That left a pool of tears
I cried all the days.
Why leave me standing here
Oh let me know the way
As many times I will amould
And many times I've cried
And many times you won't know
And many times I've tried still
They lead me back

To that long and winding road
That left me standing here
A long long time ago
Don't leave me standing
Here take me to your door.

But still they lead me back
To that long and winding road
You left me standing here
A long long time ago
Oh please don't leave me here alone
Take me to your door
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