
1. You, by the light
Is the greatest find
In a world full of wrong
You're the thing that's right.

Finally made it through the lonely
To the other side.

You set it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark.

And I'm in love
And I'm terrified
For the first time and the last time
In my only life.

2. And this could be good
It's already better than that
And nothing's worse
Than knowing you're holding back.

I could be all that you need
If you let me try.


I only said it 'cause I mean it
I only mean 'cause it's true
So don't you doubt what I've been dreaming
'Cause it fills me up and holds me close whenever I'm without you.


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