You Wouldn't Know

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Come a bit close to me, let me be kissed
Come on and give to me what I have missed
I love you women. I know that I'll get you somehow
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so, oh
Well, I'm telling you now.

Morning and nighttime too, I'm so alone
Your love and my love, girl, we shall be one
I'm gonna get you or else there will be a big row
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so, oh
Well, I'm telling you now.

I go to sleep at night, I'm telling you now
My heart is asking me why, I'm telling you now
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so, oh
Well, I'm telling you now.

Come a bit close to me, let me be kissed
Come on and show to me what I have missed
I love you women, i know that I'll get you somehow
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so
You wouldn't know if I hadn't told you so, oh
Well I'm telling you now.
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