Never Will I Marry

Tác giả: Chưa Biết

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Any flimsy dimsy looking for true love better smile me no good dearie good day. Any flimsy dimsy looking for true love better look her looking some other way for my kiss can be no evermore promise but a fancy dancy fiddle.

New Kid In Town

Tác giả: The Eagles

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

There's talk on the streets it sounds so familiar. Great expectations everybody's watching you. People you meet they all seem to know you. Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new. Johnny come lately the.

New Moon On Monday

Tác giả: Duran Duran

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Shake up the picture the lizard mixture. With your dance on the eventide. You got me coming up with answers. All of which. I deny. I said it again. Could I please rephrase it. Maybe I can catch a ride. I couldn't.

New World Man

Tác giả: Rush

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

He's a rebel and a runner. He's a signal turnin' green. He's a restless young romantic. Wants to run the big machine. He's got a problem with his poisons. But you know he'll find a cure. He's cleaning up his systems.

New Year's Day

Tác giả: 2 Fabiola

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

All is quiet on. New Year's day a world in white gets underway and I want to be with you with you night and day. Nothing changes on New Year's day on New Year's day. I will be with you again. I will be with you again.

New York Mining Disaster

Tác giả: Bee Gees

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

In the event of something happening to me there is something I would like you all to see. It's just a photograph of someone that I new. Have you seen my wife. Mr Jones. Do you know what it's like on the outside. Don't.

New York, New York

Tác giả: Brave Combo

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Ca sĩ khác: Frank Sinatra & Tony Bennett

Start spreading the news. I'm living today. I want to be a part of it. New York New York. These vagabond shoes are longing to stray. Right through the very heart of it. New York New York. I want to wake up in a city.

Next In Line

Tác giả: After Image

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

What has life to offer me. When I grow old. What's there to look forward to beyond the blind fold. They say it's difficult. Yes stereo typical. What's there beyond sleep eat work in this cruel life. Ain't there nothing.

Ngả Nón Trông Theo

Tác giả: Trần Quang Lộc

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Chút bế bồng về câu hát cũ để em thẹn thùng. Nón thúng quai thao em hát người ơi người ở đừng về. Qua cầu qua cầu ngả nón trông theo. Muối sương chiều lạnh tình thiếu nữ. Để thương để chờ để nhớ ai xưa ai hát bài ca.

Ngàn Năm Khó Phai (1000 Năm Không Phai)

Tác giả: Hoài An (Võ)

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Ca sĩ khác: Hoàng Châu; Minh Tuyết; NguoiDepDiamond

Với em tình yêu, như giấc mơ khi em gặp anh. Phút giây gần nhau, em ngỡ chìm sâu trong ánh mắt người.. Có anh mà thôi, trong trái tim xót xa tình em. Có anh mà thôi, trong giấc mơ về ngày mai.. Và em sẽ mãi đợi chờ, sẽ.

danh sách bài hát của ca sĩ Chưa Biết