He Thinks He Will Keep Her

Tac gia: Chua Biet
She makes his coffee, she makes his bed
She does the laundry, she keeps him fed
When she was twentyone she wore her mother's lace
She said forever with a smile upon her face
She does the carpool, she PTA's
Doctors and dentists, she drives all day
When she was twentynine she delivered number three
And every christmas card showed a perfect family
Everything runs right on time, years of practice and design
Spit and polish till it shines, he thinks he'll keep her
Everything is so benign, safest place you'll ever find
God forbid you'd change your mind, he thinks he'll keep her
She packs his suitcase, she sits and waits
With no expression upon her face
When she was thirtysix she met him at the door
She said, "I'm sorry,
I don't love you anymore"
Everything runs right on time, years of practice and design
Spit and polish till it shines, he thinks he'll keep her
Everything is so benign, safest place you'll ever find
God forbid you'd change your mind, he thinks he'll keep her

For fifteen years she had a job and not one raise in pay
Now she's in the typing pool at minimum wage
Everything runs right on time, years of practice and design
Spit and polish till it shines, he thinks he'll keep her
Everything is so benign, safest place you'll ever find
At least until you change your mind, he thinks he'll keep her
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