Didn't I

Tac gia: Carly Simon
Didn't I give you midnight
Didn't I give you the month of June
Didn't I make it alright
When everything was ruined
Didn't I say didn't I
Didn't you say didn't I too
Didn't we both say didn't I
Till didn't we say we're through
Didn't I try Didn't I cry
Didn't I?
Didn't I?
Sorry that your mother dropped you on your head
Maybe her mother dropped her too
In the end we all get dropped we all get back and blue
But didn't I always love you long
When time was short
And the night was cold
Didn't I admit that
I was wrong
When the anger was new
But the fight was old
Didn't I say didn't I
Didn't you say didn't I too
Didn't I?
Didn't we both say didn't I
Till didn't we say we're through
Didn't I try
Didn't I cry
Didn't I?
Didn't I?
Didn't I do?

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