Have I Told You Lately That I Love You

Tac gia: Chua Biet
A have a la told you lately that
I love you
Did I tell you once again somehow have I told it all my heart and stole her
I adore you well darling
I'm telling you know
Have I told you lately when I'm sleeping every dream
I dream is you somehow have
I told you why
Good nights are lonely you're not with me
Well darling
I'm telling you know my heart would break in two
If I should lose you
I'm no good without you
Have I told you lately that I love you
Well darling
I'm telling you now my heart would break in two if I should lose you
I'm no good without you
I have told you lately that I love you well darling
I'm telling you now
Well darling
I'm telling you now
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