I Can't Tell You Why

Tac gia: Eagles
Look at us baby
Up all night
Tearing our love apart
Aren't we the same two people
Who lived through year in the dark oh oh
Every time
I try to walk away
Something makes me turn around stay
And I can't tell you why
When we get crazy It just ain't right
Girl I get lonely too
You don't have to worry
Just hold on tight 'Cause I love you
Nothin's wrong as far as
I can see
We make it harder than it has to be
And I can't tell you why
No baby
I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why
I can't tell

Every time
I try to walk away
Something makes me turn around and stay
And I can't tell you why
No baby
I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why
I can't tell
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