Love is,,,

Tac gia: Chua Biet
They say it's a river that circles the Earth
A beam of light shining to the edge of the universe
It conquers all it changes everything
They say it's a blessing they say it's a gift
They say it's a miracle and I believe that it is
It conquers all but it's a mystery
Love breaks your heart
Love takes no less than everything
Love makes it hard
And it fades away so easily
In this world we created in this place that we live
In the blink of an eye, babe the darkness slips in
That lights the world
That lights the lovers for eternity
Love breaks the chain
Love aches for every one of us
Love takes the tears and the pain
And turns it into the beauty that remains
Look at this place it was paradise
But now it's dying
I'll pray for love
I'll take my chances that it's not too late

Love breaks your heart
Love takes no less than everything
Love makes it hard
And it fades away so easily
Love breaks the chain
Love aches for every one of us
Love take the tears and the pain
And it turns it into the beauty that remains
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