My Sweet Lady

Tac gia: John Denver
Lady are you crying?
Do the tears belong to me?
Did you think our times together was all gone?
Lady you've been dreaming
I'm as close as I can be
And I swear to you our time has just begun
Close your eyes and rest your weary mind
I promise
I will stay right here beside you
Today our lives were joined became entwined
I wish that you could know how much
I love you
Lady are you crying?
Do the tears belong to me?
Did you think our times together was all gone?
Lady my sweet lady
I just can't believe it's true
And I like
I've never even loved before
Close your eyes and rest your weary mind
I promise
I will stay right here beside you
Today our lives were joined became entwined
I wish that you could know how much
I love you
Lady are you happy?
Do you feel the way I do?
Did you think our times together was all gone?
Lady my sweet lady
I'm as close as I can be and I swear to you our time has just begun
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