Needles And Pins

I saw her today
I saw her face it was the face
I love
And I knew it had to run away
And get down on my knees and pray
That they go away but still they begin
needles and pins because of all
my pride the tears I gotta hide
Hey I thought
I was smart
I'd won her heart they think I do
But I now
I see she's more to him than me
Let her go ahead and take his love
instead and one day she will
see just how to say please
And get down on her knees that's
how it begins she'll feel those needles and pins
Why can't
I stop and tell myself
I'm wrong
I'm wrong so wrong why can't
I stand up and tell myself
I'm strong because I saw her today
I saw her face it was the face
I love and I knew I had to run away
and get down on my knees and pray
that they go away but still they
begin needles and pins because of
all my pride the tears I gotta
hide needles and pins needles
and pins needles and pins needles
and pins needles and pins needles and pins.

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