I Love You Baby

Tac gia: Trish Thuy Trang
I wish upon a star no matter where you are
however near or far
da da da da da
da da da da da

When i'm cold and lonesome inside
underneath the heavenly sky
i wish up a star
no matter where you are
however near or far
just to se you tonight
all alone with nowhere to hide
up above the world oh so high
i hope and pray someday
although you're farwaway
that you will feel the same
as i do each and every night

i love you baby
i know i always will
as long as i live
I will be here for you
and someday maybe
you'll say you love me too
the way i love you
there's nothing I won't do

I hope and pray someday
although you're faraway
that you will feel the same

above the world oh so high
you sparkle and shine
alone with nowhere to hide
oh heavenly sky
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