Song Of Love (Bai Tinh Ca)

Tac gia: Chua Biet
I can hear a lifting harmony
falling from the clouds to set me free
like the raindrops in the heavens
tumbling down, I feel your mist all around
every time I hear your music play
Haven't got the strength for running away
I don't care about the weather
let's take a chance I'm overwhelmed by your trance
taken by your fantasy
shaking with your ecstasy
everything you do to me
feels so good and so right
brighter than the silver moon
lighter than a toy balloon
every time you play your tune
in the night

Sang nay vua ra pho long bong dang vui
ngo quanh minh dau cung day noi han hoan
chung quanh em doi tung doi sanh vai ke
ao khoe mau tham ruc nong net moi tinh thom ngat
Moi hay tinh yeu da ruc ro trong tim
thiet tha loi say dam nguoi da trao den em
oi yeu thuong nhu ngan hoa tham nong
da mang niem vui tu trong trai tim hong len ma
Hay mang den hoi am cuoc doi
xoa di nhung bang gia mot thoi
ta cung nhau vong tay ngot ngao
quen the gian, day gian doi.
Hay trao den nhau nhung nu cuoi
hay quen het di nhung muon phien
ta cung nhau det bao khuc ca, oi dep sao

Wish I could resist this conga beat
But I can't refrain from moving my feet
this intoxicating rhythms starting to swell
and I fall prey to it's spell
makes me do the cha cha cha
takes me to the Mardi Gras
maybe this is shangrila I feel young and alive
Hold me in your arms again
Never let the magic end
let me be your special friend
in the night...
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