Ngon Den Trong Gio

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Thoi chia tay tu gia
Mot nu hoa hong trong tim chung ta
Thanh cao duyen dang nhung sao lac loai
Vi co nhung doi gian cuoc doi
Nang goi ten que huong than yeu
Bang hoi tho tan va phut don dau trong khi xa cach noi thien dang
Nang heo hat den noi thien dang
Nang di qua hu vo va trong co don ve ben yeu thuong noi coi long
Va nang luon ung dung nhu ngon nen kia
Thap sang truoc phong ba
Va ban chan kia nam xua da buoc tren vung dat que huong luon binh yen
Nang cho ta anh sang cua yeu thuong
Tu day theo ta suot doi

Good bye golden rose
May you ever grow in a heart
You were a grace that played itself
When lies were torn apart
You called out to a country
And you whispered
You don't repent now you belong to heaven
And the stars spelled out your name
And it seems to me
You lived your life like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset when rays set in
And your footstep will always walk here along inland Swedish hills
Your candle's burned down long before
Your legend never will...
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