Nang Tien Va Chu Tho

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Buffalo... gals won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight?
Buffalo... gals won't you come out tonight, and dance by the light of the moon?
Va roi... mot hom toi buoc tren duong got chan buon tieng khua dai de long minh chot ngan ngo khi thay co nang. Uoc mong... toi luon ben nang.
As I... was stroll-in down the street, down the street, down the street, a pretty little gal I... chanced to meet, Oh! she was sweet to me!
Buffalo... gals won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight?
Buffalo... gals won't you come out tonight, and dance by the light of the moon?

.......................(Dao Nhac).......................

Nao moi nang tien dang tho than bay... tren troi... ghe qua noi nay... voi toi... tam su...
Long nay tham... mong khi em ghe choi dem nay mua... ca... duoi anh trang trong dem ram...
I'd like to make this gal my wife, gal my wife, gal my wife! I'd make her happy all her life, if she would marry me!
Va roi mot hom toi buoc... tren duong, got... chan buon, tieng... khua dai. De long minh chot ngan ngo khi... thay... co nang. Uoc mong toi... luon ben nang.
Buffalo... gals won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight?
Buffalo... gals won't you come out tonight, and dance by the light of the moon?
Buffalo... gals won't you come out tonight, and dance by the light of the moon?
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