
Tac gia: Chua Biet
Doi sao ngo ngang
tinh ta lo lang
nguoi oi hay noi cho em mot loi
rang anh khong xa mai
chieu nghieng bong dai
buon le got hai
ngay xua sanh buoc chung con duong ve
gio day rieng em buoc di
Never knew that is would go so far
When you left me on that Boulevard
Hay quay ve dung de long em thuong dau
va hay noi minh mai luon co nhau
just one more chance
another dance
and let me feel it isn't real that I've been loosing you
the sun will rise
within your eyes
come back to me and we will be happy together
Never knew that is would go so far
When you left me on that boulevard
Come again you would release my pain
And we could be lover again
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