Sweet Lady Sheila

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Oh Sheil...
Watch good love go back
Smoke from a distance
Fire burning me
Oh, babe, the heaven can't wait
I need these hints
I'm feeling.....My heart is appealing

Sweet lady Sheila
Do you ? Do you really want me ?
Sophisticated lady want me
Sweet little Sheila
Do you ? Do you really love me ?
She's a different baby to me

I only want Sheila
Oh my Sheila
Oh, she's specious
Like the sun
I only want Sheila
Oh, my Sheila
She's drunk she's foolish
And most fun

Oh, babe
The promise you made
Be careful they've got stones - you're afraid
Oh, babe
Don't say it's too late
Words can't express my feelings - being
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