A Time For Us - Romeo Juliet (Thuong Nho Nguoi Xua)

Romeo & Juliet Lyric: Eddie Snyder
A time for us some day there'll be
When chains are torn by courage born of a love that's free
A time when dreams so long denied
Can flourish as we unveil the love we now must hide
A time for us at last to see A life worthwhile for you and me
And with our love through tears and thorns
We will endure as we pass surely through every storm
A time for us some day there'll be a new world
A world of shining hope for you and me
A time for us at last to see A life worthwhile for you and me
And with our love through tears and thorns
We will endure as we pass surely through every storm
A time for us some day there'll be a new world
A world of shining hope for you and me
A time for us at last to see A life worthwhile for you and me.
And with our love through tears and thorns We will endure as we pass surely through every storm
A time for us some day there'll be a new world
A world of shining hope for you and me.

*** Thuong nho nguoi xua Loi Viet Xuan Vinh
Giay phut em dem Ngay ta gap nhau
Mat yeu tham trao Nhung cau tam tinh Biet bao la au yem
Nhung moi duyen dau thuong gay kho dau Long khoc tham
Vi phut chia ly chot den nhu mua troi Ngau
Nhin la vang roi xao xuyen hon toi
Nao dau nguoi yeu va nhung ngay xua
Thoi da het roi tinh yeu dau tien.
Giong nhu hat mua Mat cho tam hon Phut giay roi chot het
Theo ang may sau Nghin nam buon troi
Vi nho nguoi Nguoi hoi dang say hanh phuc thau chang tinh toi
Nhin la vang roi xao xuyen hon toi
Nao dau nguoi yeu va nhung ngay xua
Thoi da het roi tinh yeu dau tien
Giong nhu hat mua Mat cho tam hon Phut giay roi chot het
Theo ang may sau Nghin nam buon troi Vi nho nguoi
Nguoi hoi dang say hanh phuc thau chang tinh toi.

*** Giay phut em dem Loi Viet: Pham Duy
Giay phut em dem Tinh yeu no hoa
Lang nghe cung ta Trai tim muon doi Voi moi tinh say dam
Ngay ngat cao voi Nu hon than tien
Tinh sang ngoi Nguoi hay mau ta cung hat khuc ca tinh yeu
Tinh hoi ! Ve day ! Ta se co nhau
Nghin thu nao phai Ta mai con nhau
Giay phut em dem Le giang bo mi
Dang cay con khong ? Xot xa tam hon Da qua roi giong to
Ta giu lau dai Dung cho nhat phai
Mot moi tinh Nguoi hoi tram nam con nho giac mo nao phai.

*** Nhac phim Nu hon than chet
Se den mot ngay, danh cho tinh nhan, toi tam lui xa, bong dem khong con am len doi ta nua.
Se den mot ngay, mam cay tinh yeu lai muot xanh, tinh den trong em tinh se yen vui cung anh.
Bao to roi tan, ta se binh yen. Troi se den cho doi lua hon nhien.
Dau don tram chieu, le roi day voi, nhung con tram luan da xo len tinh xiet bao la cay dang.
Mong den mot ngay, doi vui no hoa, doi tham tuoi ngoi sang quanh anh va sang quanh em tinh oi.
Bao to roi tan, ta se binh yen. Troi se den cho doi lua hon nhien.
Se den mot ngay danh cho tinh nhan, toi tam lui xa, bong dem khong con am len doi ta nua,
Se den mot ngay mam cay tinh yeu lai muot xanh. Tinh den trong em tinh se yen vui cung anh.
Dau don tram chieu, le roi day voi, nhung con tram luan da xo len tinh xiet bao la cay dang.
Mong den mot ngay doi vui no hoa. Doi tham tuoi ngoi sang quanh anh va sang quanh em ... tinh oi.
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