Born Of Mary

Tac gia: Chua Biet
The babe that was born of Mary
One cold and wintry night
He laid in the manger lonelyness
A star that shined so bright

Noel, Noel, how the angels sing
Noel, Noel, how did heavens ring
The babe that was born of Mary
One cold and wintry night

Cung nhau hay cat tieng hat ca mung
Mot dem giang sinh binh yen
Mot dem voi anh sang chieu khap dat troi
De doi ta qua het bao buon dau

Noel, Noel, cat tieng ca vang ca
Mung Thien Chua giang the cho nhan gian yen vui
Mot dem voi anh sang chieu khap dat troi
Mot dem giang sinh binh yen

Troi dong, gia buot, tuyet trang roi day
O hang nui Be-lem quanh hiu
La noi chinh Dang Cuu Tinh da ra doi
Ngan sao han hoan hat mung vui

Mung Thien Chua giang the voi bao nhieu yeu thuong
Se xoa het bong toi, bao hiu quanh muon phien
Troi dong, gia buot, tuyet trang roi day
Ngan tinh tu lung linh troi cao

The shepherds abiding in the fields
Were watching over their sheep
And then in the town of Bethlehem
Mary sang her darling to sleep

The earth was filled with the precious love
Of the holy child sent from up above
The shepherds abiding in the fields
Were watching over their sheep.
Born...of... Mary....
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Nguoi dang: Alex Huong
Bai nay da duoc xem 995 lan.