Gia Tai Tuoi 20 (English)

Tac gia: Chua Biet
When the spring goes by the window
Falling tears for sorrow or happiness
But that's all I have for my life
Dream came true, but it gone like I… never have
Looking for my Dad, how hard his burden like mountain, ocean

That's all my 20th, that's all
Just looking for the smile
Waiting for night, my Dad
My Mom's eyes give me reason to live
Riching can't be trade with my happiness
My heritage isn’t Luxury… or Money
It's the warm smile in this life
That's all my 20th, that's all
That's all my 20th, that's all

Giua mua xuan dang ve ben khung cua nho
Giot nuoc mat roi thay niem vui hay noi buon
Cung la gia tai nho cua em toi
Giac mo dem qua ve gia dinh hanh phuc

Nhin giot mo hoi cha, ganh gong bao cuc nhoc nhu muoi man gung cay
Gia tai tuoi 20 chat chiu
Cho moi con chum chim cuoi
Doi cha ve dem khuya

Anh mat me da loa khi con khon lon
Giau sang cung khong mua duoc hanh phuc
Gia tai cua em khong phai la tien bac
La nu cuoi am ap giua cuoc doi

Do la… Gia tai tuoi 20
Do la… Gia tai tuoi 20
Do la… Gia tai tuoi 20.
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Nguoi dang: Alex Huong
Bai nay da duoc xem 746 lan.