Doing All Right

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
[Verse 1:]
Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today I know what I'm doing
Got a feeling I should be doing all right.

Doing all right.

[Verse 2:]
Where will I be this time tomorrow
Jumped for joy or sinking in sorrow
Anyway I should be doing all right.

Doing all right.

Should be waiting for the sun
Looking round to find the words to say
Should be waiting for the skies to clear
There ain't time in all the world
Should be waiting for the sun
And anyway I've got to hide away.

[Verse 3:]
Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today God knows what I'm doing
Anyway I should be doing all right.

Doing all right.

Doing all right.
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