It's Just That Way

That ol' sun comes up every mornin'
And goes back down at the end of every day
It's just that way
Stars show up every evenin'
Man in the moon comes out to play
It's just that way.

And girl, lovin' you is something I was born to do
It's just that way.

The oceans wet the deserts dry
Don't ask me why, 'cause I can't say
It's just that way.

As sure as the world keeps turnin'
My love for you will never change
Oh, it's just that way.

And girl, lovin' you is something I was born to do
It's just that way.

And girl, lovin' you is something I was born to do
It's just that way.

That ol' sun comes up every mornin', it's just that way.
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