Learn To Love Again

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
1. There's a place we know
What's cold enough won't grow
We have seen the dark
And the darkness took its toll.

And the journey waits for no one
If no one breaks the mold
And ours hearts are stronger
Then we know.

That you and i could learn to love again
After all this time
Maybe that is how i knew you were the one
That you could still believe in me again
After all our trials
Maybe that is how i knew you were the one.

2. To awake and know
We made it through the storm
And someone saves their sweet embrace
For you and you alone


Silence says to remember
We remember
Two lost souls in the shadow
In the shadows.

That is how i knew you were the one
And that is how i knew you were the one.
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