Darkness Is Falling

Tac gia: Fred Jay & Helmut Rulofs
When darkness is falling and shadows grow long
It's time for the children to sing this old song
It tells of the coming of wonders untold
Forgotten is winter, its fury and cold.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, we'll soon see the candles glow
Hi-ho, hi-ho, we'll soon see the candles glow.

When darkness is falling and shadows grow long
It's time for the children to sing this old song
It tells of the coming of wonders untold
Forgotten is winter, its fury and cold.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, we'll soon see the candles glow
Hi-ho, hi-ho, we'll soon see the candles glow.

When darkness is falling and stars fill the sleigh
The waiting is over and we all know why
It's time for celebrating and having a feast
Because of the tidings that come from the east.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, we'll soon see the candles glow
Hi-ho, hi-ho, we'll soon see the candles glow.
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