Chuyen Mot Dem He (One Summer's Night)

1. Lung linh ngan sao thap nhung anh mat dem thau
Con mo ve dau dan dem he yeu dau
Trong dem he nao ngo ca the gioi lao dao
Neu khong con nhau biet song the nao.

Nguyen cau cho em tung dem nuoc mat con tim khong nguoi
Oi anh duong nhu ngu quen khi vang xa nhau
Tung gio anh mo ve em trai tim con luon goi ten
Thap len tung con dau mem.

2. Nhu loai chim anh muon tung tang bay xa
Cho long anh nhu bong thien duong cay la
Xin cau tu ly ru long cat buoc chan di
Noi di mot cau de khong tu dau.

1. One summer night the stars were shining bright
One summer dream made with fan-cy whims
That summer night my whole world tumbled down
I would have died if not for you.

2. Set me free like sparrows up the trees
Give a sign so I would ease my mind
Just say a word and I'll come running wild.
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