I Love The Winter Weather (I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm)

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
I love the winter weather
So the two of us can get together
There's nothing sweeter, finer
When it's nice and cold I can hold my baby closer to me
And collect the kisses that are due me
I love the winter weather
'Cause I've got my love to keep me warm.

I love the winter weather
So the two of us can get together
There's nothing sweeter, finer
When it's nice and cold I can hold my baby closer to me
And collect the kisses that are due me
I love the winter weather
'Cause I've got my love to keep me warm
I've got my love to keep me warm.

The snow is snowing, the wind is blowing
But I can weather the storm!
What do I care how much it may storm?
I've got my love to keep me warm
I can't remember a worse December
Just watch those icicles form!
What do I care if icicles form?
I've got my love to keep me warm
Off with my overcoat, off with my glove
I need no overcoat, I'm burning with love!
My heart's on fire, the flames grow higher
But I can weather the storm!
What do I care how much it may storm?
I've got my love to keep me warm.

Off with my overcoat, off with my glove
I need no overcoat, I'm burning with love!
My heart's on fire, the flames grow higher
But I can weather the storm!
What do I care how much it may storm?
I've got my love to keep me warm.
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