I Want It All

I'm holding on to what I thought you promised me
Said you'd never leave me
I put up a wall, stumble and fall but honestly
I want you to need me

I know it ain't hopeless
It ain't hopeless, I'm just lost sometimes
No, I won't hope less, I won't hope less so I
Think you should know, think you should know
I'll tell you what's on my mind
On my mind

I want it all
I want it all and nothing else
Give me your crazy, stupid love until the end
I'm not just saying
I want something more than friends, yeah
I want it all
When it's with you again

I want you close
You are the one I gotta hold
All through the evening
When you come around I'm not letting go
I know for sure
You're never leaving

I know it ain't hopeless
It ain't hopeless, I'm just lost sometimes
No, I won't hope less, I won't hope less so I
Think you should know, think you should know
I'll tell you what's on my mind
On my mind

I want it all
I want it all and nothing else
Give me your crazy, stupid love until the end
I'm not just saying
I want something more than friends, yea
I want it all
When it's with you again

I want it all
When it's with you again
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