
Tac gia: Incubus
1. I hear you on the radio
You permeate my screen
It's unkind but
If I met you in a scissor fight
I'd cut off both your wings on principle alone
On principle alone.

Hey megalomaniac
You're no Jesus
Yeah, you're no fucking Elvis
Wash your hands clean of yourself, baby, and
Step down
Step down
Step down.

2. If I were your appendages
I'd hold open your eyes
So you would see
That all of us are heaven sent
(There was never meant to be only one)
And there was never meant to be only one
To be only one

Step down
Step down
Oh, step down.

You're no Jesus
You're no Elvis
You're no Jesus
You're no Jesus
You're no Elvis
You're no answer.

Step down
Step down
Step down
Step down
Hey, hey.
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