I've Got To See You Again

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Line on your face don't bother me
Down in my chair when you dance over me
I can't help myself
I've got to see you again.

Late in the night when I'm all alone
And I look at the clock and I know you're not home
I can't help myself.

I've got to see you again
I could almost go there
Just to watch you be seen
I could almost go there
Just to live in a dream.

But no I won't go for any of those reasons
To not touch your skin is not why I sing
I can't help myself
I've got to see you again.

I could almost go there...

No I won't go to share you with them
But oh even though I know where you've been
I can't help myself
I've got to see you again.
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