
Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
[Verse 1:]
Your presence is glowing
As you start to make your way to me
No science can explain
The still kind of state I'm in.

Paralyzed, paralyzed
I think he's got me paralyzed, paralyzed
Paralyzed, paralyzed
I think he's got me paralyzed, paralyzed.

[Chorus x2:]
I'm way too thunderstruck
You haunted me on heart before
You're taking me away
You're walking by my side
You want it now I'm paralyzed, paralyzed.

[Verse 2:]
I've never had a feeling so strong
But I barely even know who you are
I'm so used to running
But I don't think I'll get there first.


[Chorus x2]

Paralyzed, paralyzed
Paralyzed, paralyzed
Paralyzed, paralyzed.

[Chorus x2]

I'm way too thunderstruck
You want it now I'm paralyzed, paralyzed.
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