
Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
I know what you came for
And I know when you'll leave
You came for my heart
And it's lost to me
For I won't stop you
I will open my door
My heart is here waiting
I don't need it no more
I know why you're leaving
And I'll just let it be
I am left with nothing
And now you're lost to me
For I can't stop you
I will open my door
My heart is here waiting
I don't need it no more.

I know why you're waiting
Give me time breathe
Before you take my heart now
And just get up and leave
For I won't stop you
I will open my door
My heart is here waiting
I don't need it no more.

For love makes a fool of me
For love makes a part of us
You know it's worthless
As worthless can be.

For love makes a fool of me
For love makes a part of us
You know it's worthless
As worthless can be.
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