
One and two, three and four
Go thru kaleidoscope, I see you there
Five and six, so many, then many more.

This is where you want to be
It's where you want to see.

All together, now we sing in unison
All together, now we sing in unison.

One and two, three and four
Go thru kaleidoscope.

All together, we sing in unison
We... sing in unison.

All together, now we sing in unison
This is where you want to see and where you want to be.

All together, now we sing in unison
This is where you want to see and where you want to be.

All together, now we sing in unison
All together, now we sing in unison.

Where you want to see and where you want to be.

(One, Two, Three)

All together, now we sing in unison
This is where you want to see and where you want to be.

All together, now we sing in unison
This is where you want to see and where you want to be.

All together, now we sing in unison
All together, now we sing in unison.
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