These Chains

1. Life had just started, never aparted
Where my aims for times to come, my future was bright
Promised before me ”Way brighter it will be”
So foolish I was then, I just couldn't see.

Tricked me and fooled me, trap set up by thee
Now you shall pay, time for vengeance has come.

Cause I'm breaking these chains of your pain
You cannot stand in my way
A am racing at you, you can't run
Now you will pay for what's done
These chains will be yours, the last word of this tale is mine.

2. Lights out, was falling, in darkness crawling
Weakened and fragile, was caught in your web
Imprisoned unknowing, there was no going
Had me there shackled never to break free.

Betrayed and deceived me, brainwashed, could not see
Now you shall pay, time for vengeance has come.


Tricked me and fooled me, trap set up by thee
Now you shall pay, time for vengeance has come.

[Chorus x2]

These chains will be yours, the last words is mine.
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