Unburn All Our Bridges

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
I miss you so much
I don't know what to do
Can't bear the thought of
My life without you
Please baby, let's unburn all our bridges.

Whatever it was
That tore us apart
Can surely be healed
With forgiving hearts
Please baby, lets unburn all our bridges.

Tempers were lost
Emotions ran high
Feelings were wounded
On the night of goodbye
We said some things
We didn't mean
That wasn't you baby
That wasn't me.

I still love you
I will till I die
And love is much stronger
Than anger or pride
Please baby, let's unburn all our bridges.

Tempers were lost
Emotions ran high
Feelings were wounded
On the night of goodbye
We said some things
We didn't mean
That wasn't you baby
That wasn't me.

I still love you
I will till I die
And love is much stronger
Than anger or pride
Please baby, let's unburn all our bridges
Please baby, let's unburn all our bridges
Unburn all our bridges
Unburn all our bridges.
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