On The Brink

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Well I'm on the brink, of something horrible
Just what it is I'm not to sure
But I can't take it anymore (round 1 fight)

I can't explain the feeling that I feel
I'm not even sure that they're for real
Doesn't work to end in sour tales
Go to sleep so I can wake up
Wondering why things are this way
What the fuck did I say?
To make you hate me any way.

I'm on the brink, I lost my self control
I didn't think that this would happen to me anymore
Just want to be a babe for once.

I can't explain the feelings that I feel
I'm not even sure if they're for real
Doesn't work to end in sour tales
Go to sleep so I can wake up
Wondering why things are this way
What the fuck did I say?
To make you hate me any way (you lose)
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