Jack Rabbit

Go jack-rabbit running through the wood
You had a good night and you feel real loose
Heard they got you going round the goosecreek shed
Trying to fill your belly full of buckshot lead.

Go jack-rabbit get the cabbage patch
Farmer left the back porch door on the latch
Heard you coming and he got his gun
You better go jack-rabbit better start to run.

Go jack-rabbit running through the woods
You had a good night and you feel real loose
Gunfire breaking up the peaceful night
Jack-rabbit lying in the cold daylight.

Go jack-rabbit running through the wood
You had a good night and you feel real loose
Heard they got you going round the goosecreek shed
Trying to fill your belly full of buckshot lead.

Go jack-rabbit get the cabbage patch
Farmer left the back porch door on the latch
Heard you coming and he got his gun
You better go jack-rabbit better start to run.

Go jack-rabbit running through the woods
You had a good night and you feel real loose
Gunfire breaking up the peaceful night
Jack-rabbit lying in the cold daylight.
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