A Good Heart

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Don't shy away from coming in
Closer still my darling friend
Don't slip, don't trip on life
I bear the moon
Inside your eyes
Don't be afraid of all my years
What you see or what you hear
It's all yours and yours and yours alone
Yours for the taking, so take it home.

Oh it's a good heart
To be a part of
Just a soul full all men tend to love
The kind of love you never knew
Oh it's a good heart from me to you.

Oh sure it's cracked a time or two
But him and me, we pulled on through
I've seen 'em come, I've seen 'em go
Some went through fast
Some went real slow
So take a chance, and take your time
Reading my face between the lines
I love real good, and I love you
My heart and me
That's what we do.

Oh it's a good heart
To be a part of
Just a soul full all men tend to love
The kind of love you never knew
Oh it's a good heart from me to you.

Oh it's a good heart
To be a part of
Just a soul full all men tend to love
The kind of love you never knew
Oh it's a good heart from me to you.
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