Tap Dancing

Tap dancing, falling over my own two feet
Hoping that you like what you see
In disguise.

I'm tap dancing, making up the moves as I go along
Forgetting all the words to my song
Until I cry.

Just doing what I can
For you to like me
Hiding the clown I am
Deep down inside me.

Don't look too closely, just clap your hands
Don't think you know me, just cue the band
Let me tap dance for you
Let me tap dance for you.

Tap dancing
Over all the marks on the floor
Pretending that I might be something more than a smile
I'm tap dancing
Maybe I'm asking for too much
Maybe I should just give it up for awhile.

And let the curtain fall
And face the ugly
I shouldn't have to dance at all
For you to love me.

Don't look too closely, just clap your hands
Don't think you know me, just cue the band
And let me tap dance for you
Let me tap dance for you.

I really wanna take off these shoes
But I'm afraid of the truth
That I'm not enough for you.

Don't look too closely
Just understand
No need to judge me
Just be a fan
Let me tap dance for you
Let me tap dance for you.

I'm gonna tap dance for you
Tap dance
For you.
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