O Lilac

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
Lilac, I miss you were my little lilac*
O lilac
I trust you can't remember most so rest your head now,
Your head now.

Lilac i feel your last you last lies come straight from her eyes
To my eyes
Tonight, should you rise above, I regret love,
I regret love.

And you have ghost hands on, that can't hold you up
And you have ghost hands on, I can't hold you up.

I gotta let you live.
I gotta let you...
I gotta let you live
I gotta let you...

Lilac, I miss you were my little my lilac
My lilac.

I trust you can't remember most so rest your head now
Your head now.

And you have ghost hands on that can't hold you up
And you have ghosts hands on I can't hold you up
I can't hold you up...
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