Angel In My Heart

Tac gia: Nhac Ngoai
I heard a whisper that touched deep inside my soul
Like some familiar melody
A hidden chapter from a story left untold
I gotta feeling, I could believe in

There is an angel in my heart
Feels like I'm guided by a candle in the dark
It's taken all this time
To finally find out what I could never see
You were there for me
Now there is no doubt that there will always be
An angel in my heart

You were the friend, you were the one I could confide in
You gave me strength that I could never find
Deep emotions that I've always been denying
I believe in, it's so close now, it's you that
I'm feeling

Finally found what I've been searching for
(All my life)
It was right before my eyes
Oh, you are my angel
I know you'll always be there
You are my one and only angel

To finally find what I could never see
(You were there for me)
Now there is no doubt that there will always be
An angel in my heart
Em nghe thay loi thi tham cham den sau tham tam hon em
Giong nhu nhung giai dieu that *** thuoc
Mot chuong da an nau tu mot cau chuyen chua duoc ke ra
Em dang cam nhan duoc, em co the tin rang

Co mot thien than trong trai tim em
Cam giac nhu em duoc dan loi boi mot ngon nen trong dem
Dieu do da luon trong em
Cho den tan phut giay em tim ra duoc nhung gi ma co le khong bao gio thay duoc
Mot thien than trong trai tim em
Su co mat cua anh o do la danh cho em
Gio chang con nghi ngo gi nua, se luon luon o do
Thien than trong trai tim em.

Anh la nguoi ban,la nguoi ma em co the nuong tua

Anh mang cho em suc manh ma co le em khong bao gio co the tim duoc
Cho em chim trong nhung cam xuc ma bay lau em van luon choi tu
Em tin vao dieu do, no that la than thuong, anh chinh la
dieu ma em dang cam nhan


Cuoi cung thi em da tim ra nhung gi ma lau nay em kiem tim
cho cuoc doi minh.
Dieu tuyet voi ngay truoc mat em.
Anh chinh la thien than cua em.
Em biet, anh se luon ben em
Anh la thien than duy nhat cua em va chi minh anh thoi
Cho den tan phut giay em tim ra duoc nhung gi ma co the em khong bao gio thay duoc
Su co mat cua anh o do la danh cho em
Gio chang con nghi ngo gi nua, se luon luon o day
Thien than trong trai tim em.
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