Khuc Hat Mung Sinh Nhat

Tac gia: Chua Biet
Ngay hom nay ta cung hop hoan noi day
Moi nguoi ben nhau ta hat mung sinh nhat
Mot, hai, ba ta cung thoi tat nen
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
On this day all together we'll be
And we'll all sing for your birthday
One, two, three we blow up the candles
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
And happy birthday, happy birthday to you
Ngay hom nay ta cung hop hoan noi day
Moi nguoi ben nhau ta hat mung sinh nhat
Mot, hai, ba ta cung thoi tat nen
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
On this day all together we'll be
And we'll all sing for your birthday
One, two, three we blow up the candles
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
And happy birthday, happy birthday to you
Come on
Ngay hom nay ta cung hop hoan noi day
Moi nguoi ben nhau ta hat mung sinh nhat
Mot, hai, ba ta cung thoi tat nen
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
On this day all together we'll be
And we'll all sing for your birthday
One, two, three we blow up the candles
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you
And happy birthday, happy birthday to you
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