Mein Leben, Meine Regeln

Tac gia: Chua Biet
Where are the hands of the church? Where is the rock'n'roll of yesterday? Rock'n'roll, come on! A time to sleep, a cell phone with mom Two dogs and a block, off to the rough track With every sweat came the realization That freedom is really worth something Every sin that you have committed Every day I cry, my body is too weak I never throw it up, but I move forward With a hat in my eyes and a dream Come on! This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen You call me a freak, you call me crazy But pioneer yourself in your own happiness Respect yourself, destroy the oppressor Show your efforts Billions of euros, I scream like a bull Despite bloody disappointments, my heart belongs to me Save your nails, burn your teeth Don't make me stupid, make me strong Where are you? This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen Sometimes I move forward Sometimes I get pushed But one thing I know for sure My story will be written by her No! This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen This is my life Here in Gelsenkirchen And no matter how hard you pull on me I will stand Thank you very much
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