And How I Hoped For Your Love

And I thought that life would be so cold I thought I'd need someone to hold Like in the stories I was told And then we met, I can't forget how we laughed And then, suddenly, the end I hope, hope for your love, for your love, for your love I hope, hope for your love, for your love I hope, hope for your love, for your love, for your love Piano solo Scat Piano solo Piano solo And I thought that life would be so cold I thought I'd need someone to hold Like in the stories I was told And then we met, I can't forget how we laughed And then, suddenly, the end I hope, hope for your love, for your love, for your love I hope, hope for your love, for your love, for your love I hope, hope for your love, for your love, for your love I hope, hope for your love, for your love For your love, for your love, for your love
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