She's Leaving Home

Tác giả: Beatles

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins. Silently closing her bedroom door. Leaving the note that she hoped would say more. She goes downstairs to the kitchen clutching her handkerchief. Wednesday. Quietly.

She's Like The Wind

Tác giả: Patrick Swayze

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

She's like the wind fill my dreams. She rides the night next to me. She leads me to moonlight. Only to burn me with the sun. She's taken my heart. But she doesn't know what she's done. Feel her breath in my face. Her.

She's Not There

Tác giả: World Disco

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Ca sĩ khác: Tommy Ngô; Kenny Thái

Well no one told me about her. The way she lied. Well no one told me about her. How many people cried. But it's too late to say you're sorry. How would I know why should I care? Please don't bother trying to find her.

She's So Young

Tác giả: Pursuit of Happiness

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

As much as she'd like to believe she's leading a brand new way that uniform that she wears. I see it on the street every day. She looks heavenward and struggle to find the right cliche. You've got to find your own space.

She's Taken A Shine

Tác giả: Robbie Williams

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Rosie never was one for turnin heads. She was just always kinda there. She had a few nice features more or less. No red ribbons in her hair. Since that. Jesse's been comin' to the diner. Folks are sayin that she's.

She's The One

Tác giả: Robbie Williams

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

I was her she was me. We were one we were free. And if there's somebody calling me home. She's the one. If there's somebody calling me home. She's the one. We were young we were wrong. We were fine all along. And if.

She's Waiting

Tác giả: Eric Clapton

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

She's waitin' for another love. Ohh ooh ooh. She's waitin' for another love. She's been waitin' for another love someone that she can show into her heart. And when she's fin'ly found a stronger love your whole world's.

Shiny Happy People

Tác giả: R,e,m,

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Shiny happy people laughing. Meet me in the crowd people people. Throw your love around. Love me love me take it into town. Happy happy. Put it in the ground. Where the flowers grow. Gold and silver shine. Shiny.


Tác giả: Lan Hunter

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

We walked to the sea just my father and me. And the dogs played around on the sand. Winter cold cut the air hangin’ still everywhere. Dressed in gray did he say. Hold my hand. I said love’s easier when it’s far away.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go

Tác giả: Rugrats

Ca sĩ: Chưa Biết (beat)

Darling you gotta let me know. Should I stay or should I go? If you say that you are mine. I'll be here 'til the end of time. So you got to let me know. Should I stay or should I go? Always tease tease tease. You're.

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