Gia Tai Cua Me

Tac gia: Trinh Cong Son
Mot ngan nam no le giac tau
mot tram nam do ho giac tay
hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay
gia tai cua me, de lai cho con
gia tai cua me, la nuoc Viet buon

Mot ngan nam no le giac tau
mot tram nam do ho giac tay
hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay
gia tai cua me, mot rung xuong kho
gia tai cua me, mot nui day mo

Day cho con tieng noi that tha
me mong con cho quen mau da
con cho quen mau da, nuoc Viet xua
me mong trong con mau buoc ve nha
me mong con lu con duong xa
oi lu con cung cha, quen han thu

Mot ngan nam no le giac tau
mot tram nam do ho giac tay
hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay
gia tai cua me, ruong dong kho khan
gia tai cua me, nha chay tung hang

Mot ngan nam no le giac tau
mot tram nam do ho giac tay
hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay
gia tai cua me, mot bon lai cang
gia tai cua me, mot lu boi tinh.

English version

A thousand years of Chinese reign.
A hundred years of French domain.
Twenty years fighting brothers each day,
A mother's fate, left for her child,
A mother's fate, a land defiled.

A thousand years of Chinese reign.
A hundred years of French domain.
Twenty years fighting brothers each day,
A mother's fate, bones left to dry,
And graves that fill a mountain high.

Teach your children to speak their minds.
Don't let them forget their kind--
Never forget their kind, from old Viet land.
Mother wait for your kids to come home,
Kids who now so far away roam.
Children of one father, be reconciled.

A thousand years of Chinese reign.
A hundred years of French domain.
Twenty years fighting brothers each day.
A mother's fate, our fields so dead,
And rows of homes in flames so red.

A thousand years of Chinese reign.
A hundred years of French domain.
Twenty years fighting brothers each day.
A mother's fate, her kids half-breeds,
Her kids filled with disloyalty.


Gia Tai Cua Vo (Lucy suu tam)

Mot tram nam no le vo nha
Mot tram nam no le vo ta
Hai muoi nam rua chen giat do
Gia tai cua vo de lai cho ta
Gia tai cua vo la khoi viec nha

Mot tram nam ta so dan ba
Mot tram nam ta so vo ta
Hai muoi nam lam het viec nha
Oi con gi la mot doi trai to
Thoi thi con lai Mot kiep dai kho

Nang day ta biet nau thit bo
Nang day ta nau canh ca chua
Nang day ta rua chen chui nha
Nang day ta biet mua do sale
Oi biet bao la on on vo nha

Mot tram nam di lam nguoi chong
Mot tram nam trong doi xieng gong
Hai muoi nam la kiep long dong
Oi con lai gi ngoai bo xuong teo
Chi con lai la mot kiep bot beo

doi dan ong nhu vay la thuong
doi dan ong nhu vay ma thuong
Con oi con hay ran noi guong
He lam viec nha thi dung be tha
Cho du tho ba thi cung ba nha

Day cho con biet quy dan ba
Day cho con biet nhu nguoi cha
De theo cha cho het doi nay
De cho con giong nhu la cha vui ca nha
De cho con giong nhu la cha vui ca nha
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