Let Me Be The One

Tac gia: Paul Williams
Some sleepless night if you should find yourself alone let me be the one you run to, let me be the one you come to when you need someone to turn to, let me be the one.
To set things right when this old world's turned upside down let me be the one you run to, let me be the one you come to when you need someone to turn to, let me be the one
For love and understanding, to find a quiet place for silent understanding a loving touch
Come to me when things go wrong and there's no love to light the way
Let me be the one you run to let me be the one you come to when you need someone to turn to, let me be the one
Let me be the one you run to, let me be the one you come to when you need someone to turn to
Let me be the one you run to, let me be the one you come to when you need someone to turn to
Let me be the one you run to, let me be the one you come to when you need someone to turn to
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