Lion Sleeps Tonight

Tac gia: N'sync
In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight
Aweem away aweem away aweem away
Aweem away aweem away aweem away
Aweem away aweem away aweem away
Aweem away aweem away aweem away
Aweem away aweem away aweem away aweem away
In the village the peaceful village the lion sleeps tonight
In the village the quiet village the lion sleeps tonight
Awe e e e e aweem away
Hush my darling don't cry my darling the lion sleeps tonight
Hush my darling don't cry my darling, the lion sleeps tonight
Awe e e e e aweem away
In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight
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