She's Lady

Someday she's an eagle flying high reaching for heights unforseen trying to cope with the body of a woman and the mind of a child she'd left behind the child she'd always been
She's a lady lady lady lady lady
She'll always be in heart even in the end as the start
She's a lady lady lady lady lady
We'll never be far apart even in the end when teardrops start
Someday she will hide broken wing ashamed to let you see some foolish thing
That's so small it doesn't matter but to her it's a thing she cannot share
She cannot make a scene
Season will take her by suprise changing her life and her dreams sometimes she thinks that she isn't going to make it so you're there to catch her in the air before she's fallen free
She's a lady lady lady lady lady
She'll always be in heart even in the end as the start
She's a lady lady lady lady lady
We'll never be far apart even in the end when teardrops start
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